Random selection from Voice of the People. Interviews in 5 states where participants answered the question, ‘If you were president, what would be your first priority?’
var r_text = new Array (); r_text[0] = "(Interview Ohio:33/42, Cleveland, Ohio, 8/15/04, 3:00 pm) '(My first priority as president would be) our country: to make sure it's safe. There's a lot of things I'd do differently: for the kids, the elderly. Its a shame the elderly peole have to put up with what they have to They have worked all their lives. They still have to pay for their medicines. Canada's got it going on. Canada takes care of their people. They do. Its a fact.'"; r_text[1] = "(Interview Arizona:25/100, Flafstaff, AZ, 8/10/04, 10:00 am)'(My first priority as president would be) healthcare. Provide universal healthcare. For us to be one of the wealthiest countries in the world and watch our tax-paying citizens die because they don't have healthcare, that's wrong. Thats just wrong. Its bad enough for us to go to other countries to kill people. We're spending millions of dollars to go to other countries to kill people.'"; r_text[2] = "(Interview New York:34/47, Brooklyn, NY, 11/21/04, 3:15 pm)'(My first priority for the president) I dont really care about anything. That's the real truth. Bush hasn't done anything that any other president hasn't done.'"; r_text[3] = "(Interview Tennessee:87/100, Memphis, Tn, 8/14/04, 7:00 pm)'(My first priority as president would be) Stop world Hunger. Donations to help others get jobs'"; r_text[4] = "(Interview Ohio:31/42, Cleveland, Ohio, 8/15/04) '(My first priority as president would be) to give people the proper benefits that they deserve, and I mean all across the board: healthcare, dental, anything they deserve. And when I say people I mean of all origins: black white, latino, etc. If they live in America, they should have the benefit of living in America. Its supposed to be the greatest nation on earth, and we should be treated as if we are,'"; r_text[5] = "(Interview Arizona:11/100, Canyon de Chelly ,Navajo Nation, AZ 8/7/04, 12:00 pm)'(My first priority as president would be) World Peace. By educating people about their level of consciousness. Each indivisual must get in tune with the earth mother.'"; r_text[6] = "(Interview Arizona:12/100, Canyon de Chelly ,Navajo Nation, AZ 8/7/04, 1:30 pm)'(My first priority as president would be) change the world upside-down. Go back to the traditional way. Rise Horses again. Go Back.'"; var i = Math.floor(7*Math.random());